I am Sassaroth. I am but a mere traveler, dabbler and a spinner of tales. I have been far of reach and close at hand. I have seen tales drank up at taverns and whispered from strange land. Yet I am here as vanguard to those that will come. There are songs to be written, cheap and full of single coin's thought. There are great stories full of strange tales that no man can ever prove. There are epitaphs of those that have come a story end.
Then, there is the Ballads, and those that sing them.
Wit and word, phrase and thought, tune and tone, wisdom sought. The ballad is a legend made by magic of song and setting. The singer is but a tool to the song, the story, to use as it sees fit. This, is your ballad.
This ballad will be sung. What will you make of it when the first of the bards strike string and wet lips to flute.
This ballad will be legend. Will you, can you, make it echo through tavern and town?
This ballad will be forever. The time draws sand and each grain is counted. Soon it will be your turn to make legend into song, into ballad. Be warned and prepared.
May hope of hearth take you home, but curiosity bring you back.
First of bards,
Thank you TBS. Its an honor.